Tattoos and body scarification
Otjirimbo/Otjivavize no rutu nduna ovivavize (Otjiherero)
Omavala Apya/ Oilimbo yokomalutu (Oshikwanyama)
Mekgabiso ya letlalo (Setswana)
/Ho!ng /xau Tsi Oa (!Xung)
Sorosi Diǀǀkhaasib (Hai //Om)
Maswaniso a fa mubili (Silozi)
Mafano va faneka korutu romuntu ntani no nzambo(Rukwangali)
Tatoeëermerke en liggaamsverkorting (Afrikaans)
Tätowierungen und Körpervernarbungen (German)
Oosha,uupolo noothulukupya (Oshindonga)
Sorosi!gao#gasens (Khoekhoegowab)
Ornamental scars consist of patterns, which differ between different communities in Namibia. These patterns are achieved through scarification with an addition of pigment to the wound. Tattoos may be worn for different reasons in the different communities around Namibia. Recently, getting tattoos or piercings has become increasingly more popular, especially amongst the youth. There are different reasons for people taking them. For example, getting a tattoo can be a way to express oneself, or to visualise something that holds an important meaning. It is also a way to create a sense of identity and show autonomy of one’s body. In this gallery, we can see some examples of modern tattoos and piercings, with the meanings behind them.