Oviyatja (Otjiherero)
Oikwamalapi/Oiyata (Oshikwanyama)
Khai (Setswana)
Tsisng oke Dha (!Xung)
Labi-i (Hai //Om)
Lisila (Silozi)
Siyata (Rukwangali)
Tekstiel (Afrikaans)
Textil (German)
Iiyata (Oshindonga)
lān (Khoekhoegowab)
Woven fabrics were introduced into Namibia through trade from the early nineteenth century. The replacement of clothing based on animal skins was, initially, closely linked to people’s conversion to Christianity. Missionaries supplied women with dresses to cover their perceived nakedness. New forms of traditional dress emerged that used the new materials.