Beads and Shells

Di!ai's ornamental headband and bracelets
Colourful beadwork complimented ostrich egg beads as trade beads started circulating and are, now, s…
Ostrich Egg Shell Ornaments
Ostrich egg shell beads have been located in archaeological sites in Namibia dating back thousands o…
San jewellry
San Community creating ostrich beadwork in modern day (Photo by Manon)
San women creates jewellery
San Community creating ostrich beadwork in modern day (Photo by Manon)
San Community creating ostrich beadwork in modern day
Namibia still has eight different San communities, although in the past there were many more. Membe…
Forkhōs (Apron)
leather apron with ostrich eggshell beads, glass beads, brass, bones, fruit kernels, horn and metal&…
