Hair and Headdresses
Ondjise no tjikaiva/onduru/ohore (Otjiherero)
Eexwiki noidjalomwa yokomutwe (Oshikwanyama)
Moriri le ba diri ba Meriri (Setswana)
ǀÛb & !Khaīgu (Hai //Om)
Milili ni Milili ya kutina (Silozi)
Nohuki no Mugwawo Worukura (Rukwangali)
Haare und Kopfschmuck (German)
Hare en Hooftooisels (Afrikaans)
Omafufu (Oshindonga)
lûn tsi /gapan (Khoekhoegowab)
Historical hairstyles and items worn on the head often carried important meanings. The gallery will allow visitors to engage with these objects, but will also explore contemporary issues around hair.