Metal Accessories

Ongondo (Anklet)
In 1868 Frederick Green, a trader, wrote “Large solid rings are manufactured from this malleable art…
Omwele Gwoshipila  (Knife with Decorated Sheath)
This type of knife has a special triangular shaped sheaf decorated with copper wire. It was only gi…
Omwele Gwoshipila  (Knife with Decorated Sheath)
Knife used as a ceremonial knife. This knife was collected in 1949 by Mrs S.J Bowker in 1949. (NMN, …
Omihanga (Anklet)
The anklet is made of iron beads. It is said that in the OvaHimba communities, the anklet showcases …
Metal Ornaments
Photographs of metal ornaments from the OvaHimba Communities which are part of the Owela Museumcolle…
